
Responsible Driving

By Family Features
Published on September 11, 2012
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Courtesy Getty Images
Following four simple rules makes it easy to drive responsibly.

In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, most people are constantly looking for ways to squeeze as much as possible from each second of the day, and time spent in the car is no exception. Eating, cell phone use and even adjusting vehicle controls are all some of the major tasks distracting America’s drivers.

To help remind all drivers that crossing the finish line responsibly is priority No. 1, Motorola Mobility is teaming up with NASCAR racing legend Kyle Petty.

“If I’ve learned anything after more than three decades in racing, it’s the importance of keeping two hands on the wheel,” says Petty. “There are some simple tips to consider that will help you stay responsible behind the wheel.”

Buckle up. Forty-nine states and Washington, D.C. have mandatory seat belt laws, and statistics show seat belt use is increasing. In 2011, use of seat belts was estimated at 84 percent nationwide. Even so, certain groups, like new drivers, are less likely to buckle up, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. To research vehicle laws in your area, including safety belt and child restraint laws, visit IIHS-HLDI

Obey the law. Do your homework. If you’re uncertain about the laws in your area, or if you’re traveling and not clear on the regulations in an unfamiliar area.

Eliminate distractions. Mobile phones can be a distraction for drivers, especially when used for texting. In fact, cell phone use while driving has increased significantly within the last few years, with as many as 10 percent of drivers using a hand-held device, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety.

The good news is that a wide range of technology solutions are available to help drivers stay compliant with state and local laws. For example, Motorola’s suite of hands-free Bluetooth enabled headsets and speakerphones, like the Roadster 2 in-car speakerphone or the Elite Sliver headset, make it easy to receive a call and hear or respond to a text message while keeping your hands on the wheel.

Practice good defense. In NASCAR, they say that the best offense is good defense, and it holds true for all drivers. Being a good defensive driver means being fully aware of your surroundings, including road conditions and other drivers. Heightened awareness also means you are better able to react when the need arises. To learn more about responsible driving practices, visit National Highway Traffic Safety Administration