
Memory Plates

By Susannah Seton
Published on May 23, 2018
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Family photographs can be displayed on a plate for an alternative to picture frames.
Family photographs can be displayed on a plate for an alternative to picture frames.
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Get craft ideas, recipes, and more suggestion for your home with
Get craft ideas, recipes, and more suggestion for your home with "Simple Pleasures of the Home" by Susannah Seton.

Simple Pleasures of the Home(Conari Press, 1999) by Susannah Seton is a collection of stories, recipes, crafts, and ideas for your home. This DIY lets you create something special from your photos or mementoes.

A craft from Victorian times that seems to have gone out of favor is the making of memory plates. These are collages that are made from photos and other paper memorabilia and then attached to the back of a clear glass plate and displayed in the living room or study. They can be very beautiful, because the colors in whatever artwork you’ve chosen are seen through the glass, making it look as if the artwork is underwater.


  • 1 translucent glass plate
  • photos and images of your choice cut from magazines or catalogs
  • decoupage fixative (available at craft stores)
  • tissue paper
  • spray glue
  • polyurethane


  1. Create the design you want on a similar-sized plate and then transfer the images one at a time to the glass plate.
  2. Apply the decoupage glue to the front of the image and then press the image onto the back of the plate, carefully pressing out any bubbles or wrinkles. When your design is complete, cut out a piece of tissue paper the same size as the plate and glue it to the back of the images, so that from behind you will see only a white surface.
  3. Seal the back and the rim of the plate with 3 coats of polyurethane, allowing it to dry completely between coats.

More from Simple Pleasures of the Home:

Adapted and reprinted with permission from Conari Press, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, Simple Pleasures of the Home by Susannah Seton is available wherever books and ebooks are sold or directly from the publisher at www.redwheelweiser.com or 800-423-7087.